Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Seventeenth Character...

She's a cyborg sent back from the future to kill Sarah Connor. She can't be bargained with! She can't be reasoned with! She doesn't feel pity, or remorse or fear. And she will not stop, ever!

Kate Sherwin is The Sherwinator, and also because there is only one Terminator looking dude in all the Toy Story movies she is also...

His name is Rocky Gibraltar, but that's not important right now.
Things we've learned from the internet: In 1991 a band called Arnee and the Terminators released the classic I'll Be Back, read these lyrics in your best Ahhnuld accent...

It's not that I'm ill-mannered or a psychopathic hater,
I just like to be treated right like any Terminator.
If I though I'd get results then I'd act a whole lot sweeter
But people always respect an Uzi Nine-Millimeter.

I've never had a problem
In getting what I lack
You don't need please or thank you
You just need! I'll be back.

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