Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Third Character...

Hello Sports Fans, today we take a day off from revealing Toy Story characters for our 2011 theme to celebrate Ala's 30th birthday.

And I think we can all agree that he looks in marvellous shape for a 30 year old, but that's probably the wedding diet and liberal use of Mossy's various creams and unguents. But what will he look like in the future, once he's locked Mossy down and doesn't have to try quite so hard? Well via the use of extensive technology, we can now reveal the Al of the future...

"Two years...tops"
On the plus side, he has kept all of the hair on the side of his head, and all of his teeth.

Psych! That is Al's Toy Story character, he is Big Al of Big Al's Toy Barn, although perhaps you know him better from his TV commercials as...

"Chicken Man! Bock, bock, bock! He's everywhere, he's everywhere."
Al is unscrupulously obsessive, overweight, very impatient and lazy (he complains of having to "drive all the way to work on a Saturday," even though his apartment is across the street from the store.). That's Al the character, not Al the person. This is definitely going to be confusing, that's it we are calling you Chicken Man.

Things the internet has taught us: Colonel Sanders (the KFC guy) was the second most recognized public figure in the world in 1979.

In Gainesville, Georgia - the chicken capital of the world - it is illegal to eat chicken with a fork!

The closest living relative of the T-Rex is the chicken which makes the phobia 'Alektorophobia' (Fear of chickens) slightly more plausible.

According to the Guinness Book of Records the world's largest chicken egg had a diameter of 22.5 centimetres, there is no mention as to whether the chicken ever walked again. In giant baby terms, an egg of that size is the equivalent of Dela Victoria being born at 4 foot 3 and weighing 36 kilos. Yowzers!

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